Spiritual warfare is a constant work in our lives. While we’re here on earth, we are a part of the battle whether we want to be or not. Jesus will win the war, but in the meantime, Timothy was reminded to “war a good warfare.” 1 Timothy 1:18
Our Defense
Ephesians 6:10-18 gives the scope of the battle including who we fight with and what are best form of defense is: The armor of God. If you have never prayed through the armor of God, let me encourage you to take a few minutes this week to do that. Walk through it slowly asking God to show you any chinks in your armor, and asking God to renew and restore the armor of God in your life. Don’t forget that the final piece of the armor of God is prayer!
Our Offense
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 shows us our offensive weapons. Casting down imaginations (Satan is battling for your mind), and every high thing (pride and the like), and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. So much of the spiritual warfare we experience is mental. Satan knows if he can corrupt the mind, he can wreak havoc in our lives, Romans 8:6.
When you’re hit with evil thoughts
1. Remember it’s a tactic of the evil one
2. Remember you have been equipped to defeat the enemy. 1 Cor 10:13
3. Remember to take that thought captive. I go straight to Jesus in my mind and say something like this, “Lord, I know this thought isn’t from you, and I don’t want it in my life anymore. (You should repent, if necessary, for letting it linger) Please take it from me as the burden bearer, help me to forget it, and help me to stay strong in Lord and the power of His might. Thank you for making me your son/daughter and for giving me to the power to overcome the wiles of Satan, Amen.”
The answer for ongoing spiritual warfare
Finally, don’t be Biblically Dyslexic. The Bible doesn’t say, “Don’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh so you can be a better Christian.” It says, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16-26. The Emphasis is never about abstaining from sin, it’s on walking in the Spirit. So, how’s your walk? Are you being sensitive to the voice of God? Are you listening for His leading?
Further resources:
The Pursuit of God by AW Tozer: https://a.co/d/aXAgSJt
Here’s a sermon by Dr. Wayne Sehmish, “How the Holy Spirit Leads You.” (Just the first sermon)


I hope these simple thoughts provoke some Bible study in your life and are a help to you this week! Comment below and let me know if God shared something specific with you from this study.