Soldiering for Ongoing Freedom

Soldiering for Ongoing Freedom

The Christian life in the context of Spiritual warfare is consistently described as a battle. In fact, Paul described the Christian walk as warfare on three separate occasions. (1 Cor 9:7; 2 Cor 10:4; 1 Tim 1:18) Although warfare is inevitable, Jesus wants us to...
Living Out Your Identity

Living Out Your Identity

It’s easy to become engrossed with thoughts of spiritual warfare or on actions of service for God, but your focus should be on drawing near to God. The whole purpose of your life could and should be boiled down to simply enjoying God for who He is. If you learn...
When Jesus Separates You from the Crowd

When Jesus Separates You from the Crowd

Mark 8:22-26 records the story of the Blind man in Bethsaida who was healed. Take a moment to read through the passage carefully before you continue reading. And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. And he took...
It is Finished! (Maybe)

It is Finished! (Maybe)

We praise God for each of your journeys and the ongoing work that our Father is making manifest in your lives! For many people deliverance may be a one-time event, but it isn’t that simple… After God delivers you, you will still experience spiritual...
Deliverance Brings Relationship

Deliverance Brings Relationship

I praise the Lord for the deliverance He has brought in your life! Galatians 5:1 reminds us to stand fast in the liberty and freedom we have received from Christ as well as exhorting us not to become entangled again unto bondage. Galatians 5:7 continues that thought...
Ongoing Spiritual Warfare

Ongoing Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is a constant work in our lives. While we’re here on earth, we are a part of the battle whether we want to be or not. Jesus will win the war, but in the meantime, Timothy was reminded to “war a good warfare.” 1 Timothy 1:18 Our Defense Ephesians...