Frequently Asked Questions

You probably have questions about how we are helping people get freedom, check out our Frequently Asked Questions below!

What is Deliverance?

In a nutshell, deliverance is freedom. Freedom from addictions, besetting sins, infirmities, mindsets, trauma, and any other chains that hold you in bondage and keep you from a healthy relationship with God. The spirit world wants to keep you bound, but Jesus promises deliverance to God’s children. (Mark 7:27)

Is deliverance a “magic fix” for every problem I have? 

Yes and no, getting freedom will truly feel like a massive load has lifted off of your shoulders. However, deliverance will not give you character. Many issues we face are spiritual in nature, but the world and the flesh must still be overcome. 

Read more about the World, the Flesh, and the Devil by clicking here.

What have other people gotten freedom from? 

God continues to bring us people who are desperate for Jehovah Rapha – The God who heals. In our meetings, people consistently get freedom from fear, anxiety, depression, anger, lust, porn addictions, and substance addictions. We regularly deal with generational spirits that have passed down some level of bondage and spiritual soul ties that keep people attached to an old boyfriend/girlfriend in an unhealthy way. 

What does an average meeting look like?

Cindy and I (and sometimes a prayer partner) sit down with you in person or over zoom and let the Lord lead us into how He wants to bring healing in your life. God promises deliverance to His children, but never ceases to amaze us how much God wants his children to walk in freedom! It’s always so evident in our sessions! 

How much does a session cost?

Our counseling sessions are free, by God’s grace we plan to never charge for what God offers freely. If you’d like to partner with us by giving financially to help this ministry continue, please reach out privately by email at

What kind of questions do you need answered?

We have a questionnaire for every counselee to fill out in advance of our session which will help us get to know you before our meeting and alert us to any specific ways the devil is working in your life. 

How do I sign up for a meeting?

Simply reach out to one or both of us, email is a great way to do that at or simply fill out the contact form below. 

How long are the meetings?

Typical meetings are 2-3 hours, but are only a one-time commitment. Any future meetings are up to the counselee to schedule for their own personal ongoing needs. Some may also find it helpful to seek the professional help of a Christian therapist, I’m aware of a few in the Portland-metro area and am able to recommend someone if needed. 

What am I committing to by meeting?

The only thing you’re committing is the time necessary for a one-time meeting and a heart ready to yield to what the Lord reveals. 

Do I need to pray or fast before the meeting? Is there any prep work?

Obviously, prayer is always good and needful and I would never discourage someone able-bodied from fasting. God wants His children to be free, the best prep work you can do is to tell God you want freedom (Exodus 2:23-25) and commit to dealing with anything He guides us into in the meeting. In short, fasting isn’t usually required for healing, but the Lord may lead you to do so.

Where will I need to meet you?

We are able to meet in person if you live in the Portland, OR metro area, or we can meet via Zoom.


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Doubt and Eternal Security

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Contact Us

Have more questions? Interested in setting up a counseling meeting of your own? Reach out via email.

Meeting times are limited, so contact us today to set up a time.