The following is a true account of a single experience with the powerful freedom and healing God promises his children. (Mark 7:27) It has been posted with permission only after being read thoroughly and approved by the person who is currently living out this miraculous testimony. For privacy, the name of the individual involved has been changed. 

Thomas’ Deliverance Story

Thomas was brought up in a troubling family situation. One parent worked hard to support the family leaving no time for the children while the other parent sought out their own pleasure via drugs and adultery. The children in Thomas’ home were often left by themselves from young ages feeling lonely, neglected, and rejected. The emotional wounds caused by this became infected over time and grew into crippling depression, suicidal thoughts, sexual addictions, and feelings of inadequacy in Thomas’ life. Unfortunately, the devil continued to prey on Thomas as he worked to undermine seemingly every important relationship Thomas had — Thomas felt as if he had been let down by every single person in his life: and had every shred of evidence to prove it was true.

As God healed relationship after relationship in Thomas’ life through a process of prayer and inner healing God regularly uses in our meetings, Cindy and I were amazed at how specific and personal God was in Thomas’ healing process. God revealed the lies of the enemy that Thomas had been believing and replaced them with His truth, and exposed areas of bitterness and unforgiveness that Thomas needed to get right. Our meeting was successful not because we held any answers for Thomas’ healing, but because God was so ready and willing to bring healing for His son. We ended by rejecting all the evil spirits that were infecting Thomas’ wounds in the name of Jesus.

A few months later, Thomas reached back out and asked to meet again. He was feeling so much better since Jesus had taken away the burden of hurt he had been carrying. However, a recent breakup and ongoing oppression caused him to have some trouble focusing on God’s word and prayer; Thomas asked if a second meeting would be beneficial. We walked Thomas through some mental exercises where God revealed three specific areas of his life in need of repentance, healing, and commitment. The Father also revealed a special calling in Thomas’ life giving him a new sense of purpose and intention to what God was leading him into.

Thomas’ Perspective

On the topic of his deliverance meetings, Thomas has this to say:

Before I came to Cameron about deliverance, I thought I was doing pretty well. I had made a commitment early on in life to stay away from alcohol and substances because of the repercussions I saw it had on other family members. Although I struggled with bitterness, a hardened heart, depression, and judgment towards other people, I thought that I was “the one that people didn’t need to worry about.” I couldn’t have been more wrong.

During my deliverance session, God revealed to me so many aspects of myself that needed to be fixed and an overwhelming amount of wicked spirits that needed to be cut from me. What a humbling experience. I did my best to be open and honest with Cameron and Cindy about my past and present sinful nature, but I distinctly remember lying about something specific. I thought that it wouldn’t have a big effect on me, but as I look back I can’t help but wonder how much more healing I would have received in the moment, had I been completely honest on the subject. I left that night feeling clear headed and refreshed, but that unconfessed sin leeched on me and grew bigger with time.

Throughout the following months, my walk with God began to grow in tremendous ways now that I had less spiritual hindrance, and I began to crave a relationship with the Lord. However, many times it felt as if I couldn’t connect to God through His Word and in prayer. It felt as if He would reveal Himself to me during random occasions, but other than that He was relatively quiet. After attending a Holy Spirit conference and seeing how God was working tremendously in other believers’ lives, I knew that this parasite of unconfessed sin needed to be addressed. I sat down with Cameron and another trusted Christian and confessed. The relief that this brought was overwhelming and led into God revealing the need for a follow up deliverance session.

After this additional meeting, the guilt that I had been harboring was gone, and I was set free. My heart was so desperate for God and through studying the Psalms, I realized that the notion that God didn’t want to draw near to me because of my sin was a lie from Satan. I repented and asked God to forgive me for believing the lie that Satan’s distractions were God’s withdrawals.

These deliverance sessions have brought me so much clarity, and has shown me how the Lord has been working in my life. I am so thankful. He speaks to me on so many occasions and gives me the wisdom I need to understand His Word and apply it to my life to become a better disciple of Jesus. I praise the Lord for all that He has done and continues to do in my life.


God still heals! If you relate to Thomas’ story at all, it is God’s heart to bring freedom to you as well! Don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing us at

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